Sean Combs

All posts tagged Sean Combs

Miley Cyrus taught me something about Syria

Published August 26, 2013 by Lynda Christine Rodriguez

Miley Cyrus may have just taught me a thing or two about Syria.

I woke up this morning, feeling not at all like P.Diddy, but actually thinking about him a little bit. I enjoy getting my news and relevance in tiny bite size chunks. This ensures that I won’t learn too much in one sitting and then need a mental Heimlich. (Once again, you may quote me, but PLEASE refer anyone who seems interested to my web page and to this blog.

One of my new favorite time sucks is’s YouTube channel. There’s a bunch of neat top 10 lists such as the best astronaut movies or best disaster movies.  It’s definitely worth checking out.  I wandered onto a list that mentioned the movie Monster’s Ball. I wondered briefly how I managed to leave this off of my blacktress sorrow film festival. Every person in this movie gave terrific, understated performances. Sean (Diddy) Combs is in this and gives a surprisingly wonderful portrayal of a man on Death Row.

So my brain was already attuned to the pop culture scene this morning when I checked the news feeds this morning, the various stunning VMA performances popped out at me.  If you haven’t seen La Miley’s interesting presentation, by all means, warp your soul a little and check it out on the YouTube.

It was effective and disturbing. I am not disturbed by her. I could not give a teeny tiny little rat’s ass what moral code she may be violating by basically grinding her cute butt to force her Disney Diva persona to run away, screaming, into the night.  I’m disturbed by the bear shaped space ship (A bear wearing a Geordi LaForge visor.) in which she arrived on stage. Ambien night mare bears  danced around while some dancers wearing some bizarre bear backpack things gave La Miley something to do while she made the kind of  face that little kids do when they have accidentally let an aspirin dissolve on their tongues.

Later on I was exposed to the concept that characters relay the writer’s theme to the audience. The case in point was Medea. The concept is that while Medea appears selfish on the surface but there’s so much more behind it.  Medea doesn’t murder her children because of HER hubris. She kills them to protect them from Jason’s Hubris. (World’s worst Greek Restaurant.)   The play itself can be seen as an allegorical representation of Greek society. Jason met and married Medea when he was on his By-Any-Means-Necessary-World-Tour. A few kids and sometime later he gets tired of Medea and he thinks, “Hey, she’s not Greek, so she’s not worthy of me.  I think I will go find myself a shiny new wife.”  He forgets that Medea literally ripped her brother limb from limb to help Jason escape her father.

Jason, don’t cross that crazy bitch.

We all know the tragic result of Jason’s Hubris and Bitch Crazy.  The concept of character revealing the theme made me think about Miley.

She is a character in this Human Comedy.  She just can’t decide which character she is. We know what we want her to be.  We want her to be a fun filled distraction from whatever else is happening. Like Syria. I realize I know much more about Medea and Miley than I do about the crisis in Syria. What my tired brain has managed to cobble together is that Assad has used chemical weapons on the Syrian people.  Assad has been warned that if he crosses this line, there will be consequences. Consequences that could further rile up things in the Middle East.  Miley is gearing up for the dress rehearsal. She’s still trying on costumes and figuring out what theme she is supposed to be pushing forward in the overall story. I think it’s making her freak out.  I don’t blame her. I’m not sure I understand what she was trying to do and no one in the world wants to see me in a flesh toned vinyl bikini but when I think about what they world may be asking of me and of the future, it makes me want to dance around the room with some bears and hope it all goes away.